Charity Donations

Donate via Paypal

To donate to the Bromhead Medical Charity via paypal, click here to be forwarded to our donations page, select an amount, fill in a few details and donate, all donations are gratefully received.

Donate to Bromhead Medical Charity

The Bromhead Medical Charity is a Lincolnshire focused organisation, helping improve healthcare throughout our historic county.

There are several ways to donate to our charity, simply donate through paypal, donate whilst shopping on amazon or send us your donations direct to our HSBC account, see below.

We achieve our objectives by offering grants to individuals who need healthcare support and all donations are gratefully received.

Donate via Amazon

To donate to the Bromhead Medical Charity whilst shopping on Amazon, simply click here, do your normal shopping and a small percentage will be donated to us.

Direct donations

To donate to the Bromhead Medical Charity direct, simply send your donations to

Bank: Coop Bank

Account Number: 67358274

Sortcode: 08-92-99

Leave a gift in your will

To leave the Bromhead Medical Charity a Legacy donation (a gift in your will):

All donations should be left to the Bromhead Medical Charity, Bank: Coop Bank, Account Number: 67358274, Sortcode: 08-92-99.

All donatons left to the charity will be gratefully received.